What is included in the package?

VOOL EV Charger comes with a cable so you wouldn’t have to bring your own cable with you all the time.

What technical needs must be met before I can install your charger?

Charger max power is 3x32A or 22kw. Meaning you need at least 5g6 or 5 line cable with 6mm2 area made of copper to prevent voltage drop in the lines. Also a C32 circuit breaker in the switchboard. RCD is integrated in the charger.

How to set up VOOL?

VOOL charger needs to be connected according to manual. After powering up, just scan the QR code on the side of the charger or enter charger ID in the app.vool.com and the system will set up itself. Use the same process for the LMC.

How does the VOOL Charger work?

For basic functionality just plug the cable to the car and charging starts. Through the app, user can adjust the settings and charging profiles. Charger is connected to the web via the integrated 4g module, local wifi or ethernet cable- meaning you always have access to the charger and can control it remotely.

Make it public, use market price based charging etc.

‍Together with installing LMC, the user gets a full overview of connection point consumption and will never have to worry about outages again.

How do I start charging?

Just plug in the car. For smart charging, set up your price limits and the time when you plan to leave. (if you have a market based price package)

How long does it take to charge an EV with VOOL?

All VOOL EV chargers are capable of charging at 22kw. Charging time is dependent on available power, car onboard inverter power and car battery capacity.

How does Smart Charging save me money?

Smart charging means that the car will be charged during the cheapest hours between the moment when the car is plugged and the “ready by” time set by the user. System checks the market price for these hours and calculates on which hours are the cheapest to charge.

Can I use VOOL Smart Charger with multiple home locations?

Yes. All chargers can be seen from the same app.

How do I remove my car from Smart Charging?

There is a designated button called “remove vehicle” in the app.

How long does the VOOL Charger last?

It's built to last for a minimum of 15 years. However if the charger is used in a rough environment for public charging then the cable and plug might need replacement during this period.

Does your charger have a warranty?

Yes, the charger comes with a 5 year warranty as standard.

Can I connect your charger to my solar panel?

Yes. If Your building has solar panels then they can be integrated into my VOOL system via the solar panel API or directly on site using the “LMC”.

Where is the cable stored after you charge the car?

Cable can be rolled around the charger or if purchased then stowed on the designated storage hook.

Should I connect my charger to a local Wi-Fi?

Yes, as this will enable fastest possible web connectivity for your charger.

What happens if the Internet connection fails?

We have good news. In case of failure the charger keeps running in offline mode and all functionality remains. After reconnection all sessions from the “offline” time are updated to the server.

Why doesn’t my car charge as fast as I expected?

There can be many reasons, but most probably there is not sufficient power available from Your grid connection.

1. Check that charging power is not limited from the vehicle
2. Check that you have not adjusted the charger settings which limit the charging power.

Is the VOOL charger weatherproof?

Yes, it is IP54 rated.

Can I return VOOL for a refund or an exchange?

Yes, VOOL chargers can be exchanged for newer models for an additional fee.

Does VOOL Charger increase home value?

Yes. Electric vehicle charging stations are becoming a big point of inquiry for potential buyers since energy prices have gone up, so it is more and more important for houses in the future to have one.

Does a Charger need its own Circuitbreaker?

Yes, it does.

Do I need variable (wholesale) electricity price tariff?

It does not matter if you have a market price package or day and night package, VOOL chargers will charge at cheaper hours.

Can I use VOOL Smart Charger with multiple cars?

Yes, cars and chargers are integrated in the same system so users can have multiple chargers and vehicles in the same system.

Does the VOOL charger support vehicle to grid (V2G)?

This functionality is currently in development.

Where can I get the VOOL app?

You can download it from the Apple Store and Google Play.

How much does the service cost?

For private users with up to one vehicle per charger there is no additional cost. For additional cars we charge 3% of the total monthly savings.

What vehicles does VOOL support?

















How do you ensure my account details are kept safe?

VOOL uses DigitalOcean infrastructure. All our employees with access to those platforms are required to use 2 factor authentication for better security.
All data is stored in MySQL databases that are only accessible from predefined IP addresses.

Temporary data for caching purposes are kept in the REDIS datastore that is only accessible by services developed by VOOL.

Our services can be used only over secure HTTPS connection.

Which countries is Smart Charging available in?

All Nordpool markets. US compatibility is coming soon.

How do I activate or deactivate 3-Phase charging?

In load management mode the system always chooses the option to charge the vehicle as fast as possible, but it can be adjusted from charger settings.

Why doesn’t my scheduled charging session start?

Check the error from the app, it might be due to not correctly connected cable or connectivity issues with the CAR api.

Can I have multiple users under one account?

Yes, user management is integrated into the portal. It can be accessed under the users tab.

How do I know when is the best/cheapest time to charge?

You can see the price of electricity in the mobile app and also in the VOOL web.

How to reset/change your password account through the app?

It’s simple.

To change your password, click on preferences from the top right menu and then you will see “Update password”.

To reset:
1. Click “Forgot your password”
2. Enter your email
3. Click “Send password reset link”.
4. Check your email and click on the link
5. Create a new password and log in.

You are welcome!

How do I pause Smart Charging?

Just press on the “Pause smart charging” button under the charging menu.

Can I follow the cost for charging at home in the VOOL app?

Absolutely. Sit back, relax and have a nice cuppa.

I would like to work at VOOL. Where can I apply?

Check our careers site or drop us an e-mail info@vool.com

How to become a reseller?

Send your request via info@vool.com

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2025 © MultiCharge OÜ. All Rights Reserved.
EU funding
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 190136402. This publication reflects only the author’s views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.