VOOL joins Omniva on their journey towards electrifying transportation

lapkritis 30, 2023 2 min read

Over the next five years, VOOL will supply Omniva with 300 electric vehicle chargers installed throughout Estonia to enable couriers to use electric vehicles for their work. The first approximately 50 chargers will be installed this year in Tallinn, Tartu, Kuressaare, and Rakvere. Omniva aims for at least half its fleet to operate on renewable energy by 2030.

Omniva's goal is to make its services sustainable, so we are gradually transitioning to environmentally friendly fuels and optimizing routes to avoid empty trips. At the same time, we are increasing our fleet of electric vehicles. These initiatives significantly reduce our environmental footprint,

- Omniva CEO Mart Mägi

Although electric vehicles currently make up just under 10% of Omniva's vehicle fleet, there are plans to actively increase their number in collaboration with VOOL in the coming years. Currently, there are 52 electric cars and 15 Vok electric bikes used by couriers. Omniva plans to test alternative vehicles from the Norwegian company Paxster and other providers in the coming year to find the most suitable solutions for its needs.

VOOL is a company that started operations a few years ago, producing smart electric vehicle chargers capable of maximizing electricity from the grid, allowing users to charge their own cars and sell electricity to other drivers. VOOL's charger can monitor market prices and charge the vehicle when it is most cost-effective. The company's mobile app works not only with VOOL's products but also with other chargers.


Omniva distribution center in Haapsalu

Omniva distribution center in Haapsalu

Collaborating with Omniva is significant for us. Governments and public sector companies can set an example for private enterprises and households in reducing the share of internal combustion engine vehicles. Acting quickly in Estonia, being a small country, can give us a competitive advantage in transitioning to electric vehicles

- VOOL CEO and co-founder Juhan Härm

Apie mus

"VOOL" - pilnavertis EA įkrovimo sprendimas, visiems suteiksiantis galimybę krauti patikimai, išmaniai ir ekonomiškai. Prieinamas ir patogus EA įkrovimas skatina spartesnį perėjimą prie tvaresnės energetikos. "VOOL" tai mūsų pačių rankomis sukurti įrenginiai ir programinė įranga bei lanksčios įkrovimo galimybės privatiems naudotojams bei verslams. Su "VOOL" galite taupyti pinigus, kraudami išmaniai, arba juos uždirbti, leisdami naudoti savo įkroviklį kitiems EA savininkams.

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EU funding
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 190136402. This publication reflects only the author’s views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.