EV Charger Home Installation: A Beginner's Guide

vasaris 20, 2023 2 min read

That charger you picked out is going to look great! Plus, it’s going to make charging your EV simpler, more reliable, and cheaper.


But between signing for the order delivery and plugging in your electric car there’s going to be an important step — EV charger home installation.

Recommendations for installation

While our charger is pretty much plug-and-play, here are some of our recommendations for making sure your VOOL charger is set up to be its best.

1. Hire a professional

The charger is simple to install — for a professional.

Could you technically do it? Yes. 

Can you also cause electrical damage to your car, your house, or yourself? Also, yes.

Let’s not do that.

Find an electrician you can trust and tell them you’d like them to install a three-phase EV charger with a 32A current per phase.

First, they’ll confirm that your home electrical system is ready. Then they’ll use an available connection or create one where you’d like the charger to be installed.

The actual installation of the VOOL charger? That will probably take 15 minutes or so.

2. Know your electrical setup

Your electrician should be able to handle all of this for you. But we know you’re a curious person who likes to know what’s happening in their house. Here is the recommended setup for an installation:

Home electrical capacity: At the minimum, we recommend a 3x16A connection. For maximum performance, an 3x32A connection is best.

Electrical panel: have a dedicated three-phase C32 circuit breaker for your VOOL charger.

Wiring: For up to a 15m cable length, a 5g6 copper cable is recommended. 

3. Think about your charger panel 

You’ll need to tell your electrician exactly where you’d like to install it. Where your car gets parked and how far the plug can reach (your charger will come with a 6.5m cable) are important considerations.

Here’s your friendly reminder to also think about the panel type you ordered.

The charger itself is IP54 rated — it’s safe against the weather.

And most of our panel types are made from highly-durable materials — rain, shine, freezing Estonian winter? Bring it.

But did you opt for the moss panel? Then you’ll need to install the charger either inside or under cover, protecting it from direct sunlight.

Additional PSA

While we’re confident in harnessing the power in your electrical connection, we’re not yet pros at managing the power of the sun. So over a long time period, expect that powerful sphere to fade charger surfaces. 

4. Accessorise appropriately

“Accessories really bring the look together!”

- some fashionista, somewhere, probably.

We think VOOL accessories make our chargers even more convenient.

For example, our hooks can be installed anywhere near the charger — below, above, next to? That’s up to you.

No wall for hanging your charger so you ordered a pole?

Let us know if you need concrete foundation blocks for that installation. We’ll make sure you have a secure installation setup.

With our tips and a professional electrician, you’ll be charging — and saving — in no time. If you have additional questions on the installation process or requirements, get in touch.

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EU funding
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 190136402. This publication reflects only the author’s views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.