gruodis 1, 2023 3 min read
Here is the monthly data-based review of how much it costs to charge an electric car with and without the VOOL mobile app. The overview is based on the Tesla Model X, and we consider factors like mileage, electricity prices, and weather. We are writing this from Estonia, where summers are up to 30°C, and winters can be up to -30°C. Colder temperatures play a big role in electric car's range.
Most of the charging is done with a 22 kW VOOL EV Charger, which gives a realistic understanding of the common needs as about 80% of electric car owners charge their cars at home. Not all charging sessions have been made via app, tho.
VOOL App is a free Smart Charging app for any OCPP 1.6 compatible EV charger. It tracks the electricity prices and automatically selects the lowest hours. Market price based charging works across Europe. You can conveniently see all your charging data in one place, monitor the electricity prices for the next 24 hours, and charge directly via EV charger instead of communicating via the car's complex API. We do, though, recommend using a VOOL EV Charger for the most reliable charging experience.
Let us know if you would like to see any additional data in these monthly overviews.
Distance: 1576 km
Average electricity price in Nord Pool: 12.61 cents/kWh
Highest electricity price in Nord Pool: 93.26 cents/kWh
Lowest electricity price in Nord Pool: 0.37 cents/kWh
Cost without VOOL Smart Charging App: 78.98 EUR
Cost with VOOL App: 66.64 EUR
Savings: 15%
Average cost per 100km with VOOL savings: 4.2 EUR
Average weather: Winter is here! It snowed a lot and the temperatures dropped below zero. The average temperature in Estonia in November was 1,4 °C.
Everyday casual or longer drives? Rather, everyday casual city trips. I must point out, that we didn't use smart charging functionality that much this month, so for more careful users, the savings would have been bigger. All charging sessions were done with VOOL Charger.
Distance: 1661 km
Average electricity price in Nord Pool: 10.48 cents/kWh
Highest electricity price in Nord Pool: 39.59 cents/kWh
Lowest electricity price in Nord Pool: -0.53 cents/kWh
Cost without VOOL Smart Charging App: 83.52 EUR
Cost with VOOL App: 52.98 EUR
Savings: 36%
Average cost per 100km with VOOL savings: 3.18 EUR
Average weather: October in Estonia was as we are used to it - it rained almost half of the month, and the average air temperature was 6,2 °C. We did experience a little snow and a few degrees below zero for a few nights.
Everyday casual or longer drives? Rather everyday casual city trips to the office, workouts, groceries, and kindergarten. Most of the charging was done at home with VOOL App & VOOL Charger.
Distance: 1523 km
Average electricity price in Nord Pool: 13.65 cents/kWh
Highest electricity price in Nord Pool: 60 cents/kWh
Lowest electricity price in Nord Pool: -0.31 cents/kWh
Cost without VOOL Smart Charging App: 72.74 EUR
Cost with VOOL Smart Charging App: 57.57 EUR
Savings: 21%
Average cost per 100km with VOOL savings: 3.78 EUR
Average weather: The average air temperature in September in Estonia was 15.6 °C.
Everyday casual or longer drives? Everyday casual city trips for regular work-life balance. Most of the charging was done at home with VOOL App & VOOL Charger.
Distance: 1949 km
Average electricity price in Nord Pool: 11.05 cents/kWh
Highest electricity price in Nord Pool: 36 cents/kWh
Lowest electricity price in Nord Pool: -0.63 cents/kWh
Cost without VOOL Smart Charging App: 66.92 EUR
Cost with VOOL Smart Charging App: 56.64 EUR
Savings: 15%
Average cost per 100km with VOOL savings: 2.9 EUR
Average weather: The average air temperature in Estonia in June was 16.5 °C.
Everyday casual or longer drives? Mainly it was a month for everyday casual city drives, but we also did a longer weekend trip with a one-way distance from Tallinn being 200 km.
Distance: 2035 km
Average electricity price in Nord Pool: 7.87 cents/kWh
Highest electricity price in Nord Pool: 21.39 cents/kWh
Lowest electricity price in Nord Pool: -1.21 cents/kWh
Cost without VOOL Smart Charging App : 43.41 EUR
Cost with VOOL Smart Charging App: 37.12 EUR
Savings: 14%
Average cost per 100km with VOOL savings: 1.82 EUR
Average weather: The average air temperature in Estonia in May was 10.2 °C. It rained a lot less than usual.
Everyday casual or longer drives? Home-kindergarten-office-kindergarten-home, five days a week, every week. Yep, May was wild!
"VOOL" - pilnavertis EA įkrovimo sprendimas, visiems suteiksiantis galimybę krauti patikimai, išmaniai ir ekonomiškai. Prieinamas ir patogus EA įkrovimas skatina spartesnį perėjimą prie tvaresnės energetikos. "VOOL" tai mūsų pačių rankomis sukurti įrenginiai ir programinė įranga bei lanksčios įkrovimo galimybės privatiems naudotojams bei verslams. Su "VOOL" galite taupyti pinigus, kraudami išmaniai, arba juos uždirbti, leisdami naudoti savo įkroviklį kitiems EA savininkams.
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